Closing the Gap Network+ Inviting Applications for Kick Starter Funding
The Closing the Gap network is one of eight collaborative programmes in mental health funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). The network seeks to understand why people with severe mental illness have some of the worst physical health issues of any section of the population.
The call will support pump priming/feasibility projects that will begin to develop a research portfolio designed to understand the causes and consequences of the health and mortality gap that people with severe mental illness experience and identity the most effective means to mitigate these causes and consequences. The aim of is to stimulate research into the inequalities that people with severe mental illness experience and to build a cross-disciplinary research capacity in the field.
Projects should consist of well-defined activities and must have clear objectives. Applications should explain how they have involved people with lived experience in the development of the proposal and how they will include people with lived experience, as advisors or collaborators, in the research to be conducted.
It is anticipated that projects will focus on pilot work to support subsequent larger grant applications. Applications involving Early Career Researchers are particularly welcomed.
Applications must be led or co-led by a UK Higher Education Institution (HEI). Non- academic bodies, charities, third sector organisations and other relevant bodies are welcome to apply. Projects co-led by HEI in partnership with non-academic groupings are also strongly encouraged, however due to UKRI funding requirements, projects must have a HEI lead or co-lead applicant.
Closing the Gap plans to fund a range of projects. The aim is to support four smaller projects (up to £15,000), up to two medium projects (up to £30, 000) and one large project (up to £50,000). This distribution may vary depending on the quality of applications received. Funding will be provided to meet 80% of the full economic costs on proposals submitted.
Projects may last for a maximum of 12 months and must be completed by 31 December 2021.
All applications must be submitted by the 30 October 2020 (17:00) deadline.
More information about this research funding opportunity and the application process is available on the RESEARCHconnect funding information platform. RESEARCHconnect provides up-to-the minute content, insight and analysis on research funding news and policy. To find out more about how RESEARCHconnect can keep you in the know, and subscription fees, contact us today.