Joint Programming Initiative – More Years, Better Lives Launches Call for Equality and Wellbeing across Generations
The Joint Programming Initiative More Years, Better Lives (JPI MYBL) has launched a new call for proposals on the topic of Equality and Wellbeing across Generations. JPI MYBL seeks to identify who benefits and who loses from demographic change, how inequalities are changing and how they can be avoided. In particular, this call is looking for proposals which will enhance understanding of:
How demographic change is altering the implicit contract between generations.
How policy can ensure that change results in a reduction, rather than an increase, in inequality.
The call is focused on three aspects of inequality:
1. Income and wealth
2. Caring responsibilities
3. Social and political participation
Proposals may choose to focus on one, two or all three topics, and are expected to pay particular attention to cross-cutting issues of gender, cultural background (eg national origin, nationality, race, ethnicity, religion and language) and socio-economic background, all of which have a major bearing on inequalities. Proposals should consider the inclusion of one, two or all of these issues in their research as an absolute requirement. Applicants are also encouraged to consider other issues which may be of relevance: the impact of characteristics such as disability, changing health and welfare systems, retirement and housing policies, and the ways in which people’s circumstances are affected by life events, like divorce, migration, unemployment and bereavement.
Proposals can, and where appropriate should, recognise the COVID-19 pandemic as an important contextual factor in the research that is proposed. The pandemic has brought a refreshed focus on the relationship and inequalities between and within generations and on the responsibilities of generations to one another. The virus and the measures put in place to stop its spread are having differential impacts both between and within generations. This includes in key areas of daily life that are addressed as topics of this call. However, the primary focus of proposals should still be the research topics and cross-cutting issues.
The call gives special attention to practical applications of research to enable and accelerate policy development in the face of demographic change. In addition, the European and Canadian transnational collaboration of researchers for this call is expected to result in submissions with a comparative perspective.
A budget of approximately €6.73 million is being committed to the call by the following countries/agencies:
Austria (FFG), €386,000
Belgium (BELSPO) €600,000
Canada (CIHR) €340,000
Finland (AKA) €500,000
France (ANR) €500,000
Germany (BMBF) €800,000
Latvia (IZM) €300,000
Norway (RCN) 10 million NOK
Spain (AEI) €350,000
Sweden (FORTE) €840,000
UK (ESRC/UKRI) €1.12 million
Proposals must involve research partners from at least three different countries participating in the call. The maximum duration of projects is three years. It should be noted that not all countries are providing funding for all topics. Non-eligible researchers may participate in projects but must secure their own funding.
The deadline for submissions is 14 September 2020 (17:00 CEST).
More information about this research funding opportunity and the application process is available on the RESEARCHconnect funding information platform. RESEARCHconnect provides up-to-the minute content, insight and analysis on research funding news and policy. To find out more about how RESEARCHconnect can keep you in the know, and subscription fees, contact us today.