AAAS Awards for Public Engagement with Science Now Open
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), formed in 1848, is an international non-profit organisation dedicated to advancing science, engineering and innovation throughout the world for the benefit of all people. AAAS awards are given to individuals for excellence in public engagement with science activities. Such activities might include:
Informal science education.
Public outreach.
Public policy.
Science communication activities such as mass media, public dialogue, radio, TV/film, science cafes/fairs and social/online media.
The two award types are:
AAAS Early Career Award for Public Engagement with Science
Established in 2010, this award recognises early career scientists and engineers who demonstrate excellence in their contribution to public engagement with science.
The nominee must be an early career (including postdoctoral) scientist or engineer in academia, government or industry actively conducting research in any scientific discipline (including social sciences and medicine). ‘Early career’ is defined as an individual who has completed their terminal degree within seven years of the deadline for nominations.
AAAS Mani L Bhaumik Award for Public Engagement with Science
This award, named after quantum physicist Mani L Bhaumik, recognises scientists and engineers who demonstrate excellence in their contribution to public engagement with science.
The nominee should be an active or retired scientist or engineer, in any discipline, located anywhere in the world. Nominees from previous years may be re-nominated. Self-nomination is accepted. AAAS seeks as diverse a pool of award nominations as possible, including a wide range of disciplines, institutional types and geographic locations.
Nominator eligibility, prizes and deadline (for both awards):
Nominations may be made by AAAS affiliate organisations, universities, government agencies, media, research organisations or individuals (including self-nominations). Recipients will have contributed substantially to public engagement with science activities, with a focus on interactive dialogue between the individual and a non-scientific, public audience(s).
A monetary prize of $5,000, a commemorative plaque, complimentary registration to the AAAS Annual Meeting and reimbursement for reasonable hotel/travel expenses to attend the AAAS Annual Meeting to receive the prize are given to the recipient.
Nominations must be submitted by the deadline of 30 June 2020 (23:59 EST).
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