CIRM Jean-Morlet Chair in Mathematical Sciences Open to Proposals
Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques (CIRM) is a residential research centre in the south of France dedicated to mathematical sciences. The centre is jointly managed by the Société Mathématique de France (SMF), the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and Aix-Marseille University.
The Jean-Morlet Chair gives researchers in the field of mathematical sciences based outside of France the opportunity to run a programme of scientific events while in residence for six months at CIRM.
The initiative aims to boost international collaboration in relevant disciplines, and to help develop synergies between institutions, researchers and doctoral students, both across countries and within the local mathematical sciences community. Each Chair works in collaboration with a locally-based project leader to plan a series of scientific events, which must include one main conference, one research school for early-career researchers, at least one workshop and one ‘Research-in-Pairs’ joint project.
Candidates for the Jean-Morlet Chair must be based at an academic or research institution outside of France and be actively involved in researching mathematical sciences or theoretical physics. They must be either internationally recognised as a world leader in their field, or a promising researcher with exceptional potential to lead research in the future.
The Chair holder shall be employed for one semester (six months) by Aix-Marseille University with a gross monthly salary between €3,800 and €6,110. Funding amounting to €20,000 per semester is granted to support the invitation of researchers from outside Marseille and its region. In addition, CIRM subsidises residential costs for a proportion of the approved participants of each programme’s events.
Proposals for the first semester of 2022 should be submitted by 31 March 2020.
Prospective chair holders and their respective local project leaders will be invited to make a formal presentation to a review panel during a meeting of CIRM’s Scientific Committee, expected to take place May 2020.
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