Healthcare Infection Society Major Research Grant Opens
The Healthcare Infection Society (HIS) is a charitable organisation committed to furthering knowledge of, and fostering scientific interest in, the prevention and control of hospital and other healthcare associated infections, with the objective of translating research and developments in the field to furnish medical and allied healthcare professionals with the knowledge, tools and skills they need to prevent and control healthcare associated infections.
The Society provides a range of grants, bursaries and awards to support research on healthcare associated infections and infection prevention control. The HIS Major Research Grant scheme awards one grant per year to support projects by researchers based at public sector institutes in the UK and Ireland, including universities and NHS organisations. Funding of up to £33,000 per year is available, for between one and three years, to cover expenditure such a staff costs, consumables and equipment.
The grant can be used to, for example:
Fund research projects to answer well-defined IPC/HCAI questions.
Build collaborations between clinicians and researchers.
Provide access to funds for hypothesis testing.
Encourage innovative and interdisciplinary research in infection prevention and control.
The grant is also suitable to support a PhD or MD studentship or other research worker and consumables/equipment. The preference is for translational research rather than pure science topics.
Applications are invited from researchers and clinicians who are based at public sector research institutes in the UK and Ireland in a career-grade or substantive role. Depending on the experience of the Primary Applicant with regards to research or clinical practice of IPC, the application should include co-investigators with appropriate experience.
Where an application includes salary support or a studentship, the Primary Grant Holder and applicant must be in a supervisory role. Potential PhD/MD students cannot apply directly for funds.
The 2020 application round opens in January 2020. Completed applications should be submitted by the closing date of 1 September 2020.
More information about this research funding opportunity and the application process is available on the RESEARCHconnect funding information platform. RESEARCHconnect provides up-to-the minute content, insight and analysis on research funding news and policy. To find out more about how RESEARCHconnect can keep you in the know, and subscription fees, contact us today.