Launch of Second 2019 Round of Public Health Intervention Development Scheme
The Medical Research Council’s (MRC) Public Health Intervention Development Scheme (PHIND) supports projects that will develop innovative new interventions that address an important UK or global public health issue, and seeks to encourage novel, high-risk approaches to intervention development.
Complex, population level interventions, with a focus on non-health care settings (eg transport, education, employment, leisure and the built environment) are considered particularly suitable. Health care settings are not excluded, but projects should demonstrate potential for improved health of general, high risk or vulnerable populations. Proposals that align with the NIHR Public Health Research Programme or MRC Global Health schemes are particularly welcomed.
Proposals should address the early stage of development of new interventions including qualitative and quantitative primary research, developing theory and designing the intervention. Examples of the types of research within scope are:
Defining the intervention.
Specifying content.
Developing theory.
Modelling process and outcomes such as developing logic models.
Identifying components and their inter-relationships.
Developing procedures and protocols.
Creation of new interventions where active components of existing interventions are recombined to create a new intervention.
Proposals should demonstrate a pathway to further development and evaluation of the proposed intervention and criteria for progression to the next stage of development should be detailed within the case for support.
All UK higher education institutions and research institutes for which the Research Councils have established a long-term involvement as major funder are eligible. Other independent research organisations (IROs) may also be eligible if they:
Possess an existing in-house capacity to carry out research that materially extends and enhances the national research base.
Are able to demonstrate an independent capability to undertake and lead research programmes.
MRC university units can also apply for funding under this scheme.
Awards of up to £150,000 for a maximum of 18 months can be made. Funds may be requested to support costs attributable to the study including investigator and research staff time, consumables, equipment and travel.
Proposals should be submitted by the deadline of 18 July 2019.
More information about this research funding opportunity and the application process is available on the RESEARCHconnect funding information platform. RESEARCHconnect provides up-to-the minute content, insight and analysis on research funding news and policy. To find out more about how RESEARCHconnect can keep you in the know, and subscription fees, contact us today.