COMNAP Antarctic Fellowships for Early-Career Researchers
The Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programmes (COMNAP) is an international organisation that unites National Antarctic Programmes that are responsible for delivering and supporting scientific research in the Antarctic Treaty Area on behalf their respective governments. COMNAP operates the Antarctic Fellowship programme to encourage the active involvement of early career Antarctic researchers and strengthen international capacity and cooperation in the spirit of the Antarctic Treaty. It enables selected fellows to become acquainted with recent advances in research and/or develop long-term research linkages and international partnerships.
COMNAP works with the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) to deliver the Antarctic Fellowships and, for 2019, is also working with the International Association of Antarctica Tour Operators (IAATO) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) to fund additional Antarctic-related fellowships.
The fellowships enable individuals from COMNAP Member National Antarctic Programme countries to undertake short-term visits to major international laboratories, field facilities and/or home institutions in, or operated by, other COMNAP Member National Antarctic Programme countries or Observer countries. The country hosting the visit should be different from applicant’s country of citizenship (which should be a COMNAP Member or Observer country) and country of current residence.
Proposals must fit within COMNAP’s goals and purpose and should contribute to one or more objectives of the home or host National Antarctic Programme. The priority project areas for 2019 are:
Operation and management of Antarctic aviation capabilities, including, but not limited to, application of remotely piloted aircraft for scientific, operational or conservation purposes.
Alternative energy systems in cold climate and any cold climate engineering: including, but not limited to, buildings, mechanical, systems, remote autonomous systems.
Best collaborative use of new marine research vessels in support of science, including advanced exchange of science voyage information.
Understanding the environmental issues from direct human impacts arising from Antarctic science and operations including cumulative impacts; understanding plastic waste introduction and removal options so as to eliminate introduction of plastics including micro-plastics from the Antarctic environment; understanding management implications of environmental change to National Antarctic Programme activities.
Human safety, including, but not limited to, equipment, clothing, operating procedures and search and rescue.
Legal/administrative issues relating to COMNAP’s internal functioning and/or its relationship with any other component of the Antarctic Treaty System.
Improving, developing or exchanging information on education and outreach related to National Antarctic Programme/COMNAP activities.
The fellowships are open to early career postgraduate researchers, defined as someone who is within the first five years after completion of the highest level of university award/certificate/degree obtained, or any person, regardless of university completion, under the age of 40 years old on the day of the application deadline.
Applications are welcome from a range of disciplines and fields including, but not limited to: engineering, environmental management, data management, technology, social sciences, humanities, education, communication and outreach, law, operations and logistics, search and rescue, medicine and science.
For the 2019 application call, applicants for the IAATO Fellowship may also be involved in tourism-related disciplines and are accepted from fellows seeking to:
Work with Members of the IAATO community, this may include in-kind support from an IAATO Member such as an opportunity to work on an IAATO Member vessel (subject to confirmation of availability on a case-by-case basis).
Undertake projects that reflect the objectives of IAATO and will result in adding to understanding of human presence in the Antarctic region.
For the 2019 call:
COMNAP will offer one fellowship with funding of up to US$15,000.
IAATO will offer one fellowship with of up to US $15,000.
Fellowships will cover economy class round trip travel and a modest subsistence allowance for the fellowship period.
Applications for the CONMAP and IAATO Fellowships must be submitted by the deadline of 10 June 2019.
More information about this research funding opportunity and the application process is available on the RESEARCHconnect funding information platform. RESEARCHconnect provides up-to-the minute content, insight and analysis on research funding news and policy. To find out more about how RESEARCHconnect can keep you in the know, and subscription fees, contact us today.