ESRC Interdisciplinary Environmental Social Science Leadership Team
ESRC are providing funding to establish a team of social scientists and interdisciplinary experts.
ESRC is inviting proposals for this grant with the aim to support the transition to a sustainable and biodiverse environment and a net zero society through transformational leadership and coordination.
The aim is to increase visibility, access, and use of social science research and data, including within interdisciplinary collaborations, build capability and support the development of new research agendas. It will signpost, coordinate and work with new and existing investments, to bring together world-leading experts that have the skills, networks, and capabilities to develop an on-going dialogue with a broad range of stakeholders and have greatest impact across the thematic area of climate and environment.
It will identify skill gaps and create opportunities to increase capabilities and capacity within the social science community. It will work in partnership with the ESRC and UKRI in scoping and coordinating new research investments in the area through a broad set of expertise, consultation, and stakeholder engagement activities.
ESRC are seeking a team, including world leading experts, based at eligible institutions for ESRC funding. The team must be led by a principal investigator based at an eligible UK research organisation. That organisation will be responsible for submitting the grant application to UKRI.
UK co-investigators across different sectors (business, third sector, government body organisations) and international academic co-investigators are welcome.
The full economic cost of activities can be up to £6.25 million. ESRC will fund 80% of this.
Applications must be submitted online by the deadline of 7 September 2021 (4pm UK time).