CIFAR and the British Academy Virtual Knowledge Frontiers Symposium
Seed-funding available to early career researchers in the UK and Canada, in the humanities and social sciences, to participate in virtual research activities on the broad theme of “What is a good city?”
CIFAR and the British Academy are issuing this call for applications with the aim of bringing together around thirty early career researchers based in the UK and Canada from across the humanities and social sciences to discuss key questions around the theme of “What is a good city?”. The virtual activities will be designed to encourage collaboration and exchange between early career researchers.
These activities will aim to draw on the insights of the humanities and social sciences to explore varied understandings and experiences of what is a good city. CIFAR and the British Academy are particularly interested in encouraging broad and innovative interpretations of what makes a good city, whether past or present, physical or imaginary from researchers in both the humanities and the social sciences.
These collaborations must be international in their composition and can be either partnerships or groups. Time will be set aside for participants to share and discuss their ideas for collaboration over the course of the virtual sessions.
Early career researchers based at institutions in Canada or the United Kingdom, or part of the CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars programme, are eligible to apply.
In order to stimulate collaboration and networking, small-scale seed funding will be made available for which participants can apply. Participants must be able to participate in at least 75% of the virtual sessions. If this is not met it will result in a participant not being eligible for the seed funding.
The application form for seed funding will be circulated in advance of the symposium to ensure participants are fully aware of the opportunity and requirements.
Applications must be submitted online via the British Academy’s Grant Management System (GMS) by the 24 November 2021 (5pm UK time).
(This report was the subject of a RESEARCHconnect Newsflash.)