Lady Tata Memorial Trust Announces 2023 International Awards Worth up to £35,000
Lady Tata Memorial Trust announces the 2023 International Awards for research into leukaemia, with applications scheduled to open in January 2023.
The Lady Tata Memorial Trust is a charity established in 1932 by Sir Dorabji Tata, in memory of his wife, Lady Meherbai, who lost her life to leukaemia in 1931. The Trust spends four fifths of its income on international research via its International Advisory Committee in London and offers the remaining one fifth to scholars in Indian universities and institutes conducting scientific investigations into diseases of the blood.
The Trust’s International Awards are designed to provide support for research into leukaemia. Awards are available for studies of leukaemogenic agents, as well as the epidemiology, pathogenesis, immunology and genetic basis of leukaemia and related diseases.
Priority for awards is given to those intending to move to other centres with a view to establishing scientific collaboration between laboratories.
Early career researchers around the world are eligible to apply for the awards.
Applications must be submitted between 1 January 2023 and 15 March 2023.
(This report was the subject of a RESEARCHconnect Newsflash.)