Life Sciences Bridge Award Offers €100,000 to Early Career Researchers in Germany to Conduct Research Projects in Life Sciences
Aventis Foundation is an independent, non-profit foundation in Germany which is dedicated to the support of cultural and scientific projects. It promotes projects from all over Germany, but retains a special focus on initiatives from the Frankfurt Rhine-Main metropolitan region.
Aventis Foundation offers the Life Sciences Bridge Award to young and talented postdoctoral researchers in life sciences. The award is designed to promote the professional development of researchers in the early stages of their career by enabling them to conduct their own independent research project.
The thematic focus of the award is on innovative approaches in the life sciences, including biochemistry, biology, chemistry, medicine and pharmaceutical studies. These research areas may also be combined with mathematics, engineering and IT.
Eligible to apply are early career researchers in Germany. This includes research group leaders (three years after the doctorate at the earliest), junior professors and tenure-track-professors. Applicants cannot yet hold a full and permanent professorship. Applicants must be employed at one of the foundation’s 30 partner universities in Germany.
The awards are endowed with a subsidy amount of €100,000 each.
(This Bulletin article was the subject of a ResearchConnect news alert.)