NIHR i4i FAST Awards Open for Innovations Relating to Acquired Brain Injury

The National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Invention 4 Innovation (i4i) Programme is a translational research funding scheme aimed at medical devices, in vitro diagnostic devices and digital health technologies addressing an existing or emerging health or social care need. The i4i FAST (Funding At the Speed of Translation) Awards scheme is aimed at innovators in need of a small amount of funding to answer a specific question or to fund a single piece of activity to advance healthcare technologies and interventions for increased patient benefit. Awards are designed to address an evidence gap and innovations must have demonstrated experimental proof of concept as a minimum.

This scheme supports the research and development of medical devices, in vitro diagnostics and high-impact patient-focused digital health technologies (including artificial intelligence (AI)) for ultimate NHS use, to a point where they are de-risked for follow-on investment. The grants are designed to address an evidence gap across different development levels, from innovations with initial proof of concept (starting from TRL stage 3) to innovations with demonstrated safety and efficacy.

Call 4 of the awards will support the development of innovative healthcare technologies for acquired brain injury (ABI), including the prevention, diagnosis and management of ABI as well as recovery from ABI. ABI refers to any form of brain injury that has occurred since birth, including traumatic brain injury (TBI) and ABI as a consequence of stroke due to thrombosis/infarction, brain haemorrhage, tumours, infection and inflammation. Applications are encouraged for solutions covering all forms of ABI, including mild, moderate and severe TBI from different aetiologies such as road traffic collisions, assault, sports-related concussion and blast injury.

The lead organisation must be based in the UK and must be one of the eligible organisations listed below:

  • Higher education institutions (including universities and research institutes).
  • NHS and social care service providers (including Trusts, primary care and community care providers, and tertiary care centres).
  • Not-for-profit organisations (including charities and Community Interest Companies).
  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with a staff headcount no greater than 250 and annual turnover no greater than €50 million. This includes start-up or spin-out companies. Companies must have Companies House registration prior to application.

Collaborators based abroad are allowed, however, their participation must be justified and the benefit to the NHS or broader UK health and care system must be specified. All activities must be carried out in the UK (with the exception of specific sub-contracted services).

The total budget per call is around £1.5 million. Call 4 provides between £50,000 and £100,000 of funding for projects lasting 6-12 months. The awards are designed to have a rapid turnaround and must start by 1 February 2025.

(This Bulletin article was the subject of a ResearchConnect news alert.)

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