March 2026 Deadline for First Call under EU-AU Partnership on Sustainable Energy

The Long-Term Joint EU-AU Research and Innovation Partnership on Sustainable Energy (LEAP-SE) is a six-year programme conducted by a consortium of about 22 partners from European and African countries dedicated to developing a long-term research and innovation partnership between Europe and Africa on sustainable energy. The programme’s budget is around €30 million, including €10 million from the European Commission under Horizon Europe.

The partnership is based on the achievements of previous programmes, such as the LEAP-RE programme, and is set within the framework of the Climate Change and Sustainable Energy (CCSE) partnership of the AU-EU High-Level Policy Dialogue (HLPD) on Science, Technology and Innovation.

The range of activities recommended for collaboration under LEAP-SE will focus on seven identified multi-annual roadmaps presented in the Call and also on the LEAP-RE thematic priorities:

  • Assessment of renewable energy sources (RES) and integration of RES in sustainable energy scenarios.
  • End-of-life and second‐life management and environmental impact of renewable energy components.
  • Smart stand‐alone systems.
  • Smart grid (different scales) for off grid application.
  • Processes and appliances for productive uses (agriculture, mobility and industry).
  • Innovative solutions for priority domestic uses (clean cooking and cold chain).
  • Production and utilisation of green hydrogen.

The first transnational joint Call under the LEAP-SE programme will fund basic research, applied research and experimental development projects that are 12-36 months long and address all research and innovation aspects of the sustainable energy value chain, covering energy production as well as transformation, storage and utilisation. Applicants are encouraged to include cross-cutting issues, and particular attention will be given to strengthening the impact of R&I-supported activities for the well-being of society in Europe and Africa.

Applications should be submitted by a consortia consisting of at least two independent legal entities from two different European Union Member States or Horizon Europe-associated countries and another two independent legal entities from two countries in the African Union. Each consortium must include at least one partner from the institutional research sector (academic, public research centre, non-profit organisation, etc) and one partner from a commercial company coming from participating countries.

Applicants are advised to first check which countries and funding agencies are participating in a specific call and their respective funding rules. Applicants must meet their national/regional regulations, and applicants from countries with funding agencies participating in the call must contact their country’s national contact point (NCP).

The total indicative Cofund Call budget is around €10 million provided by funding organisations plus €3.5 million from the EC’s contribution. The maximum funding for each project is €1.5 million and the maximum funding per partner in one project is €700,000.

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