Swiss Bridge Award for Young Cancer Researchers Opens for Applications

The Swiss Bridge Foundation, established in 1997, is a private charitable foundation that seeks support for worldwide cancer research from financially independent individuals and corporations. The Foundation looks to support high quality cancer research in Europe.

The Foundation provides the Swiss Bridge Award to support young investigators at academic and cancer research institutions in Europe to undertake cancer research focusing on novel targets in precision oncology. The maximum duration of projects is 36 months.

Notes of intent are invited from early stage researchers under the age of 45 who hold a PhD, MD-PhD or MD and documented experience as a PI or Co-PI in clinical studies.

Two projects will receive funding: one to a researcher in Switzerland, one from elsewhere in Europe. The total funding available is CHF 500,000, which is split approximately in half for domestic and non-domestic winners. Funds for non-Swiss residents will be paid in US dollars.

Six to eight investigators will be invited to submit detailed research applications by mid-June 2025. The winners will be invited to an award ceremony in Zurich in October 2025.

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