ANR and DFG Invite Proposals for French-German Joint Research Projects in the Humanities and Social Sciences
As part of their on-going cooperation, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG – German Research Foundation) and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) in France are jointly operating a programme for bilateral collaborative research projects in the humanities and social sciences. The programme is designed to encourage and further develop research collaboration between Germany and France.
The project also aims to serve the humanities and social sciences in both countries in very specific terms:
- The programme aims to broaden the research spectrum of disciplines which are traditionally very focused on national research traditions. Through international collaboration and cooperation, it hopes to encourage the investigation of topics which offer insights into social and political problems on a larger scale.
- The programme also intends to demonstrate the benefits of multilingual research in research areas in which both German and French are still important research languages.
The call is open for collaborative proposals from all areas of the humanities and social sciences comprising researchers from Germany and France.
For German applicants, application is open to researchers working at German research institutions who have completed their research training (generally a doctorate). For French applicants, teams must be composed of at least one French public research organisation or team. A researcher cannot be project leader on more than one ANR-funded project and cannot participate in more than three ANR-funded projects as scientific coordinator.
Research funding is provided for up to three years. The minimum funding amount per country is €60,000. There are no set maximum funding amounts. Funding for German applicants will be provided according to the rules of the DFG, and funding for French applicants according to the rules of the ANR. It will cover project-related costs such as personnel, equipment and consumables.
Full proposals for joint bilateral research projects must be submitted to both DFG and ANR by the deadline of 6 March 2024 (13:00 CET).
(This report was the subject of a ResearchConnect news alert.)