ARIA Smarter Robot Bodies Call

Closing Date: 27/08/2024

Funding for ideas within ARIA’s Smarter Robot Bodies opportunity space to exploit progress in AI, control, materials, and manufacturing to build robots that approach or even exceed the capabilities of living bodies.

The Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA) funds projects across the full spectrum of R&D disciplines, approaches, and institutions. To support scientific and technological breakthroughs outside of programmes, ARIA Programme Directors can award opportunity seeds to support ambitious research aligned to the opportunity spaces they’ve identified.

The opportunity space, Smarter Robot Bodies, led by Programme Director Jenny Read aims to develop breakthrough technologies capable of interfacing with the human brain at the circuit level, across distributed brain regions and with cell type specificity.

Proposals are invited for:

  • Ideas that sit within the Smarter Robot Bodies opportunity space. Proposals should show how your idea either aligns with or challenges the assumptions of the Summary, Beliefs, or Observations in the opportunity space document.
  • Ideas that could change the conversation about what is possible or valuable.
  • Ideas that range from early stage curiosity-driven research through to pre-commercial science and technology.
Funding body Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA)
Maximum value £500,000
Reference ID S26652
Category Engineering and Physical Sciences
Fund or call Fund