BMBF Launches New Call on Contraceptive Research for All Genders
The new Contraceptive Research for All Genders funding initiative by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF – Federal Ministry for Education and Research) aims to support interdisciplinary research networks that conduct preclinical and clinical work in the field of human contraceptive research. The results should provide starting points for further translational research.
Support is offered for clinical pilot projects (small application-oriented, non-interventional studies) that are designed to make natural family planning methods safer and more effective. For example, science-initiated comparative studies on the efficacy and effectiveness of existing digital health applications can be supported. Additionally, BMBF offers funding for research that identifies markers that allow predictions to be made about the efficacy and side effects of contraceptive methods, including hormonal contraceptives for persons of childbearing age. Preclinical research should be used to identify, characterise and, as far as possible, validate targets for the development of new contraceptive methods.
Applications can be submitted by institutions of higher education, non-educational research institutions and commercial companies.
The funding period is three years. Institutions of higher education and non-commercial research institutes can expect to receive full funding of project-related costs.