Else Kröner Fresenius International Award for Medical Research
The Else Kröner Research Award is a biennial research prize awarded by the Else Kröner-Fresenius Schtiftung (EKF-Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation).
Each Prize call is dedicated to a different field of medical research that promises particular progress in the near future. The theme of the 2020 award is genome editing and gene therapy in either basic or clinical medical sciences.
Eligible to apply are researchers of all nationalities who have made significant scientific contributions to the field of genome editing and gene therapy. Applicants are expected to achieve ground-breaking discoveries in the near future. Nominations of younger scientists are strongly encouraged.
The Prize is endowed with €2,500,000 of which €500,000 is awarded to the recipient and €2,000,000 dedicated to the awardee’s future research.
Nominations must be submitted by the deadline of 4 April 2019.
More information about this research funding opportunity and the application process is available on the RESEARCHconnect funding information platform. RESEARCHconnect provides up-to-the minute content, insight and analysis on research funding news and policy. To find out more about how RESEARCHconnect can keep you in the know, and subscription fees, contact us today.