Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit – Scholarships for Doctoral Students

Closing Date: 31/10/2024

Scholarships are available to doctoral students from Germany, EU countries and non-EU countries to pursue a doctorate at a university in Germany. German students can also pursue a doctorate in Switzerland or the EU.

Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit (Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom) defines itself as the ‘foundation for freedom in Germany and the world’. Based on the principles of liberalism, it offers political education in Germany and abroad. With its events and publications, it helps people become actively involved in political affairs. It also supports talented students by awarding scholarships.

The Scholarships for Doctoral Students (Stipendien für Promovierende) provide funding to realise a convincing and innovative doctoral project in any discipline. The scientific project should be expected to make a significant contribution to research. Throughout their doctoral studies, the scholarship holders are supported both academically through the foundation’s liaison lecturers and personally through its employees.

Scholarships are available for the following groups of students, depending on their resident location:

  • Doctoral students from Germany: Doctorates at state or state-recognised universities in Germany, Switzerland and in the EU are supported.
  • Doctoral students from EU countries: Doctorates at state or state-recognised universities in Germany are supported.
  • Doctoral students from non-EU countries: Doctorates at state or state-recognised universities in Germany are supported.
Funding body Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit (Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom)
Maximum value Discretionary
Reference ID S26621
Category Arts and Humanities
Biotechnology and Biology
Economic and Social Research
Engineering and Physical Sciences
Natural Environment
Science and Technology
Fund or call Fund