Pre-announcement of Smart Ageing Prize 2020
The Active and Assistive Living (AAL) programme funds public-private partnership projects in the field of information and communication technology for active and healthy ageing. It has announced that the Third Smart Ageing Prize will be launched on 11 November 2019.
The 2020 Prize Challenge is Silver Enterprise. The Prize is looking for solutions that support, empower and inspire older adults to engage in entrepreneurship, for example, through the creation of intergenerational teams and skills-sharing, or digital solutions to help bring to life the entrepreneurial ideas and energy of the 60+ age group.
Digital technology and ICT can play an enabling and enhancing role in this space, alongside non-technological solutions, tools and infrastructure can also help older adults to engage in enterprise across generations. This could include diverse means such as mentoring, coaching and other skills-sharing platforms, as well as stimulating the creation of freelance and entrepreneurial initiatives led by older adults, allowing this generation to transition effectively in a changing economy.
Senior enterprise is one powerful means to empower older adults to contribute to society and create meaningful connections, creating resilient and sustainable businesses and social ventures, as well as leveraging the complementary skills and knowledge of younger adults for intergenerational collaboration.
The prize is open to individuals, groups and organisations located in the “EU 28” countries plus Canada, Taiwan and the countries Associated to Horizon 2020. A total of €50,000 is available, which is awarded as follows:
First place – €35,000
Second place – €10,000
Second runner up – €5,000
Fifteen semi-finalists will be selected in March 2020 and provided with financial and coaching support to develop prototypes and bring their ideas to the market. At the time of applying for the award, applicants must already have a working demonstration, tested and validated by a significant number of older adults. If selected among the 15 semi-finalists, the prototype will have to be brought to the Academy event in Summer 2020, demonstrating the solution’s technical proof of concept.
The deadline for submissions is 26 February 2020 (17:00 CET).
More information about this research funding opportunity and the application process is available on the RESEARCHconnect funding information platform. RESEARCHconnect provides up-to-the minute content, insight and analysis on research funding news and policy. To find out more about how RESEARCHconnect can keep you in the know, and subscription fees, contact us today.