Resuscitation Council (UK) Research and Development Grants
The Resuscitation Council (UK) Research and Development Grants support high-quality, methodologically robust medical education and clinical research projects and the generation of new knowledge in resuscitation science and education. The grants aim to support future resuscitation specialists developing their interest and expertise through high quality research.
Application is open to individuals working in the NHS or a university department within the UK, such as doctors, nurses, resuscitation officers or other professions allied to medicine. RC (UK) will also consider applications for personal awards, including non-clinical PhD studentships and Clinical Research Fellow MD/PhD studentships.
Applicants should have a credible track record of conducting such research projects or have appropriate supervision. Applications are also accepted from those on a higher degree programme (MSc by Research, MPhil or PhD) where associated with high-quality research.
No minimum or maximum funding levels are specified for project grants. Proposals should be appropriately costed for a one-to-three year project. Funding can be used for directly incurred costs, project staff, materials, capital expenditure and other associated costs.
RC (UK) will also consider two types of personal award annually within the overall budget for awards:
Non-clinical PhD studentship: 3-4 years funding to cover stipend and indicative fees in accordance with Research Councils UK Indicative Fee Level (National Minimum Doctoral Stipend for 2020/21 is £15,285; Research Councils UK Indicative Fee Level for 2020/21 is £4,407).
Clinical Research Fellow MD/PhD studentship: 2-3 years funding at Specialist Trainee level plus on-costs (£37,191 per year with on-costs).
In addition to stipend/salary costs, applicants may apply for up to £10,000 of research costs per annum.
Applications must be submitted online via the RC (UK) website by the deadline of 31 May 2020 (17:00).
More information about this research funding opportunity and the application process is available on the RESEARCHconnect funding information platform. RESEARCHconnect provides up-to-the minute content, insight and analysis on research funding news and policy. To find out more about how RESEARCHconnect can keep you in the know, and subscription fees, contact us today.