Snakebite Grants for Discovering and Developing New Treatments
The Wellcome Trust’s Snakebite Grants: Discovering and Developing New Treatments scheme seeks to fund researchers working on innovative approaches to discover and develop next generation treatments for snakebite. The World Health Organization definition of snakebite is: ‘A potentially life-threatening disease that typically results from the injection of a mixture of different toxins (‘venom’) following the bite of a venomous snake.’
The proposal must:
Consider the complexity and variety of snake venoms.
Address efficacy, safety and developability.
Lead to a consistent and low-cost product or treatment.
Examples of ideas and approaches include (but are not limited to):
Developing novel recombinant antivenoms.
Evaluating novel technologies for producing antivenoms.
Repurposing candidate molecules with demonstrated human safety.
Engineering transgenic production of humanised antivenom products.
Developing novel delivery systems for antivenoms.
Application is open to individuals or collaborative teams from anywhere in the world (although lead applicants cannot be based in mainland China). Applicants can be based at academic research organisations, not-for-profit organisations, government bodies or private companies.
Teams may be based in the same or in different organisations. Team size will depend on the proposed research, with usually no more than seven applicants.
The funding that can be allocated ranges from £500,000 to £3 million. The grant duration is flexible but is typically two to three years and can be up to five years. Support is available for a variety of costs, including staff, consumables, equipment, travel and subsistence.
The deadline for expressions of Interest is 15 March 2020 (17:00 GMT)
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